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workplace mediation 

It can be a confusing time. A difficult situation has arisen at work. As a manager or HR professional you may have tried to discuss it with the line manager or other individuals involved.


Maybe there has been an investigation, grievance or disciplinary process. Perhaps members of staff have taken sides and the issue has become entrenched.


Maybe there have been absences from work, time off with stress and/or a loss in productivity as people may refuse to work together.


Maybe other members of staff in the organisation are negatively affected. Maybe there is a long term relationship breakdown which just won't resolve itself? 


Maybe you feel frustrated that the people involved just can't get along and sort things out. 


Does this sound like your situation?


Let me take the weight off your shoulders with that challenging workplace issue with staff at your organisation. We can discuss different options: facilitated discussions, a workplace mediation or working with each of the employees through coaching. I offer FREE advice about what might be the most appropriate way forward for you considering your current situation.


I also provide retainer services so you can draw on an agreed number of mediation or coaching sessions as and when required.


My services include a facilitated discussion or workplace mediation i.e. obtaining agreements between staff of how to work productively together in the future.


I take a person-centred approach where everyone has a chance to feel truly heard. In order for mediation to be effective, I work closely with the participants by spending time before and after the mediation talking to them about their perceptions, to ensure that they are comfortable and that the agreement is sustained and working.


They draw up and own their action plan and so are in control of the content of their future working arrangements. By valuing their opinions and giving them control, this gives an excellent likelihood of success. I currently have a 100% success rate in getting participants to agree a Working Plan about how to manage their relationship in the future.


Some of the benefits of addressing conflict management include:


  • Increased morale

  • A better understanding between employees 

  • Increased productivity

  • Less sickness absence

  • Reduced risk of employment tribunals

  • All stakeholders are able to spend more time on the day job rather than the dispute

  • A less divisive/toxic working environment

  • Staff retention

  • The breaking of old patterns of behaviour

  • Personal insight


If a mediation is followed up with conflict coaching, this has the best chance of achieving sustainable success.

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